Ms Fong Yoke Hiong

Covid-19 has greatly impacted the lives of older persons in Singapore and around the world. Decondition, increased social isolation, poorer mental health and even death are some of its ill effects. Amid these challenges, the need for care to transit from multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary to transdisciplinary becomes more pressing. Care needs to transcend the disciplinary professional boundaries with a focus on the problems at hand, while encouraging the sharing of skills, know-hows as well as decision making. Transformational practices would serve to identify and narrow gaps; instill practice standards and make possible training to foster care that meets the real-world concerns.

Professor Julie Green

The presentation will explore ‘out of hospital’ healthcare delivery within the United Kingdom. This will situate UK demographics alongside international, updating on locations of care and the promotion of transformational approaches to promoting wellness throughout the lifespan. Whilst services are under increasing pressure, a reactive approach to care delivery is often adopted, whereas proactive health promotion, partnership management of long-term conditions and the promotion of self-care are essential if we are to ensure our communities can live their best lives. Person centredness, partnership approaches and interrelated concepts that inform the development of a concordant relationship will underpin the presentation.

Professor Rick Zoucha

This session will focus on understanding the implications and utilization of culturally congruent care for individuals, families and communities from a theoretical perspective using Leininger’s Culture Care theory. The theory will serve as an interdisciplinary and nursing care guide in the promotion of culturally congruent care (meaning care that is congruent with the culture). The theory along with cultural care knowledge can be applied across cultures in a meaningful manner.  A clear description of Leininger’s Cultural Care Theory will be discussed to understand and apply the theory into actual practice for individuals, families and communities requiring home care.