About Tsao Foundation
Tsao Foundation’s vision is of an inclusive society for all ages that optimises opportunities in longevity. Established in Singapore in 1993, the goals of the Foundation are aligned to the MIPAA and WHO healthy ageing frameworks.
Through four synergistic initiatives – the Hua Mei Centre for Successful Ageing, Hua Mei Training Academy, International Longevity Centre Singapore and Community for Successful Ageing – the Foundation pioneers and provides community-based, person-centred primary healthcare for adults aged 40 and above; builds capacity in professional and informal age care and self-care; fosters elder empowerment and community development; and initiates policy-relevant research and cross-sector partnerships in its advocacy for mindset and systemic change to actualise health, wellbeing and participation over the life course.
About International Home Care Nursing Organization
The International Home Care Nurses Organization (IHCNO) is a non-profit organization with the goal to develop and support a vibrant worldwide network of nurses who promote excellence in providing optimal health and wellbeing to persons of all ages requiring healthcare services at home.
Several years ago, a group of visionary home care nurse leaders initiated a global outreach to develop a nurse-focused and nurse-led organization that recognizes the unique specialty skills needed for healthcare at home. IHCNO does through practice, education, and research by providing a platform for collaboration, best practice sharing, training opportunities, compassionate, culturally-sensitive care recognition and professional development.